E R I N & M I K E  

Personal Page

Here are a few of our favorite links:
Trent & Noelle Grigsby
Ryan Ward
Alta Vista
Titan Corporation (Mike's current employer)
AAA-Colorado (Erin's current employer)
Alaska Chalet B&B (Where we will vacation next summer)
Spotdata (a site Mike helped build)

Well, it's been a long time since I've bothered to update my website. Four full years since I've updated this page alone! But I've decided it should come back because in it's heyday, quite a few people would read this page and I enjoy keeping everyone informed. So what's new with me?

As most people know, Erin and I were married on June 22 of this past summer in a wonderful wedding at The Manor House in Littleton, CO. We had a little over a hundred guests from all corners of the U.S. People attended from California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Arizona, Kansas, and of course Colorado. Some took planes, others drove their cars, a few came in on horseback. Just kidding. Seriously though, we were very happy with the effort that so many made to come out here to witness our wonderful event. For those of you that couldn't make it, you'll never be forgiven. Oops, just kidding again! If you didn't make it, you haven't missed out completely because our wedding picture archive has close to 700 different photos from the wedding all here, at our website.

As far as the rest of our lives? Well, Erin has now been with AAA-Colorado for a little over a year and she is very happy there. Before that, she had a short stint at the Denver Zoo in the Development department. She thought that would be the job of a lifetime but unfortunately it turned out to be quite the opposite as she left for AAA-Colorado after only 7 months at the Zoo. We do continue to be supporting members of the The Denver Zoo because we feel it's a worthy cause.

Before Erin was at the Zoo, she worked briefly for Hallmark in our local mall, but only until she found more gainful employment. This came after she made the hard but positive decision to leave The Benefit Companies, where she had worked for 2 full years. It was a wonderful 2 years for Erin, but she felt she needed to try different things. She still keeps in touch with several people from that company.

Mike worked at Lockheed Martin for about 9 months after which he left for more responsibility (and better pay) to a company called Columbine JDS Systems, Inc (now called Encoda Systems). He was there for one year and then left to try something a little different - he became a consultant with a company called Valtech. He travelled around the country (New York, Dallas, Columbus) on various projects for about a year and a half before the company started to succumb to the woes of the tech industry and in August of 2001 he was laid off. 5 months later he took a "temp" job with Air Wisconsin Airlines (better known as United Express) at Denver International Airport, first as a baggage handler, then as a gate agent. The benefits were awesome (free flights anywhere United flies) but the money wasn't so hot and after an 11 month search, he finally found gainful employment in the computer industry once again, with a company called The Titan Corporation as a contractor for the Bureau of Land Management. He has been there since.

Currently, we live in a rented townhouse with our college buddy Chad while we wait for our brand new townhouse to be built. See the updated status here. We still have our two cats, Aspen, who is about 4.5 years old, and Shadow, who is almost 3 years old.

That's pretty much it on our end...if you want to let us know how you are doing, just e-mail us, or sign our guestbook. You can also check out a few neat things Mike is working on - a map of the USA that documents all the states Mike has been to, coloring them in order of his visits, as well as another map that contains links to all of the airports that Mike has either flown into or out of, or just visited. Both are very much under construction, but enjoy anyway...

So until later, enjoy the rest of our website and come back often for updates!!!!

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Last modified 12/20/02